Youtube eggdrop script using API v3

Just a very simple eggdrop script that allows users to search on youtube using the youtube and will also return some information for any youtube link spamming into the channel set with +youtube. This uses the youtube v3 API. You can grab your own API key [here].
This script is in use so hopefully I'll keep it up to date as things more on but any issues or suggestions just let me know. Example of each current function below and the script is there too or [here] in zip format :)
# Name m00nie::youtube
# Description Uses youtube v3 API to search and return videos
# Version 3.1 - Yet more duration decoding fixes. Specific case of 00s videos less than
# an hour too. It also adds checks for videos <24 hours long (who knew)
# Hope this is the last of the duration crap
# 3.0 - Again trying to fix or cover all scenarios for how duration is returned
# in ISO format without needing to load another library. Hopefully correct..
# Also reverted some encoding changed back to 2.6 as these were added in
# error. Live stream detection should also be working again as that value
# seems to have changed.
# 2.9 - OMG the time
# 2.8 - New variable "out" to more easily change the (I think lovely ;D) YouTube
# output at the beginning of any spam in this script.
# 2.7 - Handles API problems (e.g. having an incorrect key) nicer. Also since
# v1.9 of eggdrop utf8 is nativley handled so tries to accomodate that
# within the script.
# 2.6 - Add likes to auto spam (Thanks to ComputerTech for the suggestion)
# also a small update to time formating
# 2.5 - Correctly returns results for channels rather than videos for !yt
# 2.4 - Fixing bug that meant date was again reported wrongly. Thanks
# to caesar for suggesting the fix
# 2.3 - Fix for new date/time results from the API
# 2.2 - Reodering throttling to make it work better....
# 2.1 - Adds throttling to spammed links themselves (link_throt)
# Also includes a fix on some character output with !yt searching
# Thanks to <AlbozZ> for this spot and fix!
# 2.0 - Adds seperate flag for search and autoinfo (suggestion from m4s)
# This is a change from previous versions
# .chanset #chan +youtube = Enabled auto info grabbing on a URL spam
# .chanset #chan +youtubesearch = Enabled access to search via !yt
# 1.9 - Adding throttling controls (per user and per chan)
# 1.8 - Chanset +youtube now controls search access!
# 1.7 - Modify SSL params (fixes issues on some systems)
# 1.6 - Small correction to "stream" categorisation.....
# 1.5 - Added UTF-8 support thanks to CatboxParadox (Requires eggdrop
# to be compiled with UTF-8 support)
# 1.4 - Correct time format and live streams gaming etc
# 1.3 - Updated output to be RFC compliant for some IRCDs
# 1.2 - Added auto info grabber for spammed links
# 1.1 - Fixing regex!
# 1.0 - Initial release
# Website
# Notes Grab your own key @
namespace eval m00nie {
namespace eval youtube {
# ----- CHANGE these variables -----
# This key is your own and shoudl remain a secret (e.g please dont email it to me! Obtain it on the link above in the notes)
variable key "---GET-YOUR-OWN---"
# Some people dont like coloured output! :O
# (you can see an example of the coloured output @
# Whatever text (if any) you set the below variable to will be spammed prior to the first result of search or autoinfo
variable out "\002\00301,00You\00300,04Tube\003\002"
# The two variables below control throttling in seconds. First is per user, second is per channel third is per link
variable user_throt 30
variable chan_throt 10
variable link_throt 300
# ---- Dont change things below this line -----
package require http
package require json
# We need to verify the revision of TLS since prior to this version is missing auto host for SNI
if { [catch {package require tls 1.7.11}] } {
# We dont have an autoconfigure option for SNI
putlog "m00nie::youtube *** WARNING *** OLD Version of TLS package installed please update to 1.7.11+ ... "
http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket -servername]
} else {
package require tls 1.7.11
http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket -autoservername true]
bind pub - !yt m00nie::youtube::search
bind pubm - * m00nie::youtube::autoinfo
variable version "3.1"
setudef flag youtube
setudef flag youtubesearch
variable regex {(?:http(?:s|).{3}|)(?:www.|)(?\/watch\?.*v=|\/)([\w-]{11})}
::http::config -useragent "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Fedora; Linux x86_64; rv:93.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/93.0"
variable throttled
#### Script Starts here #####
proc autoinfo {nick uhost hand chan text} {
if {[channel get $chan youtube] && [regexp -nocase -- $m00nie::youtube::regex $text url id]} {
if {[throttlecheck $nick $chan $id]} { return 0 }
putlog "m00nie::youtube::autoinfo is running"
putlog "m00nie::youtube::autoinfo url is: $url and id is: $id"
set url "$id&key=$m00nie::youtube::key&part=snippet,statistics,contentDetails&fields=items(snippet(title,channelTitle,publishedAt),statistics(viewCount,likeCount,dislikeCount),contentDetails(duration))"
set ids [getinfo $url]
# Catch probs...
if {$ids eq "0"} {
putlog "m00nie::youtube::autoinfo there was a problem :("
set title [encoding convertfrom [lindex $ids 0 1 3]]
set pubiso [lindex $ids 0 1 1]
set pubiso [string map {"T" " " ".000Z" "" "Z" ""} $pubiso]
set pubtime [clock format [clock scan $pubiso] -format {%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y}]
set user [encoding convertfrom [lindex $ids 0 1 5]]
# Yes all quite horrible...
# ... it gets worse. ISO time format really isnt my friend...
# ... be sick on yourself.. I have
set isotime [lindex $ids 0 3 1]
regsub -all {P} $isotime "" isotime
# First off check for videos that are days and non 0 hours
if {[regexp {^[0-9]*DT[0-9]*H} $isotime]} {
regexp {(^[0-9]*DT)?([0-9]*H)} $isotime x days hours
regsub -all {DT} $days "" days
regsub -all {H} $hours "" hours
set hours [expr ($days * 24) + $hours]
set nh "${hours}H"
regsub -all {^.*H} $isotime "$nh" isotime
# Now check for videos that are days and "0" hours
} elseif {[regexp {^[0-9]*D} $isotime]} {
regexp {^[0-9]*D} $isotime days
regsub -all {D} $days "" days
set hours [expr $days * 24]
set nh "${hours}H"
regsub -all {^.*D} $isotime "$nh" isotime
# Everything else should be <24 hours and >24 shoud be formatted (maybe)
regsub -all {T} $isotime "" isotime
# No M or S returned e.g. PT10H for a 10:00:00 video...
if {[regexp {^[0-9].*H$} $isotime]} {
set isotime "${isotime}00M00S"
# No M but we do have S e.g. PT10H01S for a 10:00:01 video...
} elseif {[regexp {^[0-9]*H[0-9]*S$} $isotime]} {
regsub {H} $isotime "H00M" isotime
# No S but we do have M e.g. PT10M for a 10:00 video...
} elseif {[regexp {^[0-9]*M$} $isotime]} {
regsub {M} $isotime "M00S" isotime
# Now we should have some kind of "standard" to mangle as before
regsub -all {H|M} $isotime ":" isotime
regsub -all {S} $isotime "" isotime
# Seems it can now return P0D (it use to be 0)
if { [string index $isotime 0] == "0" || $isotime == "P0D" } {
set isotime "live"
} elseif { [string index $isotime end-1] == ":" } {
set sec [string index $isotime end]
set trim [string range $isotime 0 end-1]
set isotime ${trim}0$sec
} elseif { [string index $isotime end-2] != ":" } {
set isotime "${isotime}s"
set views [lindex $ids 0 5 1]
set like [lindex $ids 0 5 3]
# At the moment not used (it looked a little messy)
set dis [lindex $ids 0 5 5]
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$m00nie::youtube::out \002$title\002 by $user (duration: $isotime) on $pubtime, $views views \[Likes: $like\]"
proc b0rkcheck {results} {
putlog "m00nie::youtube::b0rkcheck is running"
if {!([lindex $results 0 0] eq "items")} {
putlog "m00nie::youtube::b0rkcheck looks to be a problem with the API - [lindex $results 0 0] [lindex $results 1 1]: [lindex $results 1 3]"
return 0
} else {
return 1
proc throttlecheck {nick chan link} {
if {[info exists m00nie::youtube::throttled($link)]} {
putlog "m00nie::youtube::throttlecheck search term or video id: $link, is throttled at the moment"
return 1
} elseif {[info exists m00nie::youtube::throttled($chan)]} {
putlog "m00nie::youtube::throttlecheck Channel $chan is throttled at the moment"
return 1
} elseif {[info exists m00nie::youtube::throttled($nick)]} {
putlog "m00nie::youtube::throttlecheck User $nick is throttled at the moment"
return 1
} else {
set m00nie::youtube::throttled($nick) [utimer $m00nie::youtube::user_throt [list unset m00nie::youtube::throttled($nick)]]
set m00nie::youtube::throttled($chan) [utimer $m00nie::youtube::chan_throt [list unset m00nie::youtube::throttled($chan)]]
set m00nie::youtube::throttled($link) [utimer $m00nie::youtube::link_throt [list unset m00nie::youtube::throttled($link)]]
return 0
proc getinfo { url } {
for { set i 1 } { $i <= 5 } { incr i } {
set rawpage [::http::data [::http::geturl "$url" -timeout 5000]]
if {[string length rawpage] > 0} { break }
putlog "m00nie::youtube::getinfo Rawpage length is: [string length $rawpage]"
if {[string length $rawpage] == 0} { error "youtube returned ZERO no data :( or we couldnt connect properly" }
set results [json::json2dict $rawpage]
# Check is we have errors
if {[b0rkcheck $results]} {
# We dont :)
set ids [dict get $results items]
return $ids
} else {
# We do have errors :(
return 0
proc search {nick uhost hand chan text} {
if {![channel get $chan youtubesearch] } {
putlog "m00nie::youtube::search is running"
regsub -all {\s+} $text "%20" text
if {[throttlecheck $nick $chan $text]} { return 0 }
set url ",id(channelId),snippet(title))&key=$m00nie::youtube::key&q=$text"
set ids [getinfo $url]
# Catch probs...
if {$ids eq "0"} {
putlog "m00nie::youtube::autoinfo there was a problem :("
set output "$m00nie::youtube::out "
for {set i 0} {$i < 5} {incr i} {
set id [lindex $ids $i 1 1]
set type [lindex $ids $i 1 0]
# Catch Channels rather than videos ( doesnt work for channels)
if {$type eq "channelId"} {
set yout "$id"
} else {
set yout "$id"
set desc [encoding convertfrom [lindex $ids $i 3 1]]
set desc [string map -nocase [list "&" "&" "'" "'" """ "\""] $desc ]
append output "\002" $desc "\002 - " $yout " | "
set output [string range $output 0 end-2]
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$output"
putlog "m00nie::youtube $m00nie::youtube::version loaded"
As ever any feedback or suggestions are welcome :)