Weather eggdrop script for API

*** This API has since been closed by Wunderground :( Please look HERE for an more modern alternative
This is a simple script tcl script for an eggdrop that will allow users to set a default location and then grabs current conditions or a 3 day forecast using that default location or a defined search each time. The data is pulled from the very nice people at using their API which has no cost up until a limit of 500 calls per day.
Should hopefully be quite readable (as its quite simple? :P) but any issues or suggestions as ever please just let me know. An example of its output:
The full script is below for reference only:
# Name m00nie::weather
# Description Uses wunderground API to grab some weather...
# Requires channel to be flagged with +weather (.chanset #chan +weather)
# Commands:
# !wl
# can be 0 for Metric, 1 for Imperial or 2 for both
# !w
# Grabs current weather in location. If no location is suuplied will try to use users
# saved location
# !wf
# Same as !w but provides a 3 day forecast
# Version 2.6 - Fixed bug when no location was set with !wl. Added some help users can get by calling !w help
# 2.5 - Fixing some (hopefully all) the issues in 2.4....Lots of problems around the different
# way the api returns info for the first day of the forecast.
# 2.4 - If user prefs are set to recieve both imperial and metric results these are both now
# shown in forecast results (previously only imperial results were given). I dont think
# this code will cover all the API values but lets see. Does not require additonal API
# requests though.
# 2.3 - Fixes mutiple result issue for !wf (shit code)
# 2.2 - You can now query other users saved locations using their nick
# e.g "!w m00nie" would return the current weather for a user called m00nie
# 2.1 - Adds sunrise/sunset info (controlled by variable as requires additional API call)
# 2.0 - Add option below to automagically add forecast for next 3 hours to each current weather
# request
# 1.8 - Trying to improve code around mask/nick changes...
# 1.7 - Users can now set their own prefered metric type (Defaults to global forc variable type for
# users that dont have metric type defined).
# 1.6 - Corrects wind conditions when set to Metric, or Combined
# Adjusted styling for better readability (Contibuted by random4t4x14)
# 1.5 - Corrects flag detection for chans and adds option for current conditions to display
# both F and C temps in the same output. Might add this to forecast in future version
# 1.4 - Warn on more than 5 possible restults (stops LOTS of spam)
# 1.3 - Added warning when mutlple/unclear matches
# 1.2 - Correct RFC compliant output for some IRCDs (thanks to Alan and Robert for highlighting)
# 1.1 - F/C tempreture option
# 1.0 - Initial Release
# Website
# Notes Grab your own key @
namespace eval m00nie {
namespace eval weather {
package require http
package require tdom
bind pub - !w m00nie::weather::current_call
bind pub - !wl m00nie::weather::location
bind pub - !wf m00nie::weather::forecast_call
variable version "2.6"
# Set forc to 0 for tempreture in Celsius, 1 for Farenheit or 2 for both!
# At the moment forecasts can only use 0 or 1, 2 will default back to Celsius
variable forc "2"
# Set below to 1 to add hourly info for the next few hours to each current weather report
# (note this adds an extra API call to each query so on a busy chan you may it API limits)
variable hourinf "1"
# Set below to 1 to add sunrise/sunset info to each current weather report
# (note this adds an extra API call to each query so on a busy chan you may it API limits)
variable suninf "1"
setudef flag weather
variable key "---GET-YOUR-OWN---"
::http::config -useragent "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Fedora; Linux x86_64; rv:57.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/57.0"
proc current_call {nick uhost hand chan text} {
set text [string trim $text]
if {$text eq "help"} {
puthelp "PRIVMSG $nick :\002m00nie::weather v$m00nie::weather::version\002 - A simple weather script that collects either live weather or a three day weather forecast from"
puthelp "PRIVMSG $nick :Live weather can be checked with '!w ', Forecasts can be checked with '!wf '."
puthelp "PRIVMSG $nick :To save repeat typing you can also save a favourite location for yourself with '!wl <0-2> ' where 0-2 is an option to recieve results in metric (0), imperial (1) or both (2)."
puthelp "PRIVMSG $nick :After a location is saved you can simply use '!w' or '!wf' and without specifying a location your saved location will be used instead :)"
puthelp "PRIVMSG $nick :You can also query other users saved locations (if you are interested about their weather!) by specifying their nick as the location. E.g '!w John' would display the current weather for Johns saved location"
set location [verify $hand $chan $text]
if {$location != 0} {
set forc [metricpref $hand]
current $forc $location $chan
proc forecast_call {nick uhost hand chan text} {
set location [verify $hand $chan $text]
if {$location != 0} {
set forc [metricpref $hand]
forecast $forc $location $chan
# Allow a user to save their location so they can search without defining it each time
proc location {nick uhost hand chan text} {
putlog "nick: $nick, uhost: $uhost, hand: $hand"
set forc [string index $text 0]
set text [string range $text 2 end]
if {!(($forc == 0) || ($forc == 1) || ($forc == 2)) } {
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :Output units must be specified from 0-2 where 0 = metric, 1 = imperial and 2 = both. E.g \"!wl 2 London Uk\" would spam both unit types for London."
if { [string length $text] <= 0 } {
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :Your location seemed very short? Please try again using the syntax '!wl '"
if {![validuser $hand]} {
adduser $nick
set mask [maskhost [getchanhost $nick $chan]]
setuser $nick HOSTS $mask
chattr $nick -hp
putlog "m00nie::weather::location added user $nick with host $mask"
setuser $hand XTRA m00nie:weather.location $text
setuser $hand XTRA m00nie:weather.forc $forc
if { $forc == 0 } {
set unit "metric"
} elseif { $forc == 1 } {
set unit "imperial"
} elseif { $forc == 2 } {
set unit "both imperial & metric"
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :Default weather location for \002$nick\002 set to \002$text\002 and output units set to \002$unit\002"
putlog "m00nie::weather::location $nick set their default location to $text."
proc metricpref {hand} {
set forc [getuser $hand XTRA m00nie:weather.forc]
if {!(($forc == 0) || ($forc == 1) || ($forc == 2)) } {
set forc $m00nie::weather::forc
return $forc
# Search for current weather
proc verify {hand chan text} {
set text [string trimright $text]
if {(![channel get $chan weather])} {
putlog "m00nie::weather::search Trigger seen but channel doesnt have +weather set!"
return 0
if {$text != ""} {
set location $text
if {[validuser $text] == 1} {
set location [getuser $text XTRA m00nie:weather.location]
} else {
set location [getuser $hand XTRA m00nie:weather.location]
if {[string length $location] == 0 || [regexp {[^0-9a-zA-Z,. ]} $location match] == 1} {
putlog "m00nie::weather::search location b0rked or no location said/default? Argument: $location"
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :Did you ask to search somewhere? Or use !wl to set a default location"
} else {
return $location
proc current {forc location chan} {
putlog "m00nie::weather::current is running against location: $location and metric pref of $forc"
set rawpage [getinfo $location conditions]
set doc [dom parse $rawpage]
set root [$doc documentElement]
# Check for no results!
set notfound [$root selectNodes /response/error/description/text()]
if {[llength $notfound] > 0 } {
set errormsg [$notfound nodeValue]
putlog "m00nie::weather::current ran but could not find any info for $location or an API error occured: $errormsg"
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$errormsg"
# Check for multiple results
set check [multiplecheck $chan $root]
if {$check > 0} { return }
set city [[$root selectNodes /response/current_observation/display_location/full/text()] nodeValue]
if { $forc == 0 } {
foreach var { observation_time weather temp_c wind_dir wind_kph wind_gust_kph feelslike_c precip_today_string } {
set $var [[$root selectNodes /response/current_observation/$var/text()] nodeValue]
append temp_c "°C"
append feelslike_c "°C"
set spam "Current weather for \002$city\002 ($observation_time) \002Current conditions:\002 $weather, \002Temperature:\002 $temp_c, \002Wind:\002 From $wind_dir at $wind_kph KPH Gusting to $wind_gust_kph KPH, \002Rain today:\002 $precip_today_string, \002Feels like:\002 $feelslike_c"
} elseif { $forc == 1} {
foreach var { observation_time weather temp_f wind_string feelslike_f precip_today_string } {
set $var [[$root selectNodes /response/current_observation/$var/text()] nodeValue]
append temp_f "F"
append feelslike_f "F"
set spam "Current weather for \002$city\002 ($observation_time) \002Current conditions:\002 $weather, \002Temperature:\002 $temp_f, \002Wind:\002 $wind_string, \002Rain today:\002 $precip_today_string, \002Feels like:\002 $feelslike_f"
} elseif { $forc == 2} {
foreach var { observation_time weather temp_f temp_c wind_dir wind_mph wind_kph wind_gust_mph wind_gust_kph feelslike_string precip_today_string } {
set $var [[$root selectNodes /response/current_observation/$var/text()] nodeValue]
append temp_f "F"
append temp_c "°C"
set spam "Current weather for \002$city\002 ($observation_time) \002Current conditions:\002 $weather, \002Temperature:\002 $temp_f ($temp_c), \002Wind:\002 From the $wind_dir at $wind_mph MPH ($wind_kph KPH) Gusting to $wind_gust_mph MPH ($wind_gust_kph KPH), \002Rain today:\002 $precip_today_string, \002Feels like:\002 $feelslike_string"
} else {
putlog "m00nie::weather::current $forc is not a valid value for forc..."
if { $m00nie::weather::hourinf == 1 } {
set rawpage [getinfo $location hourly]
set doc [dom parse $rawpage]
set root [$doc documentElement]
# Check for no results!
set notfound [$root selectNodes /response/error/description/text()]
if {[llength $notfound] > 0 } {
set errormsg [$notfound nodeValue]
putlog "m00nie::weather::current ran but could not find any info for $location or an API error occured: $errormsg"
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$errormsg"
append spam " \002Three hour forecast:\002 "
set i 0
foreach hour [$root selectNodes "/response/hourly_forecast/forecast"] {
incr i
if {$i >= 4} {
set civ [[$hour selectNodes "FCTTIME/civil/text()"] nodeValue]
set cond [[$hour selectNodes "condition/text()"] nodeValue]
if { $i == 1 } {
append spam $civ
} else {
append spam ", " $civ
append spam { } $cond
if { $forc == 0 } {
set temp [[$hour selectNodes "temp/metric/text()"] nodeValue]
append temp "°C"
append spam { } $temp
} elseif { $forc == 1} {
set temp [[$hour selectNodes "temp/english/text()"] nodeValue]
append temp "F"
append spam { } $temp
} else {
set temp_c [[$hour selectNodes "temp/metric/text()"] nodeValue]
set temp_f [[$hour selectNodes "temp/english/text()"] nodeValue]
append temp_c "°C"
append temp_f "F"
set temp "$temp_f ($temp_c)"
append spam { } $temp
if { $m00nie::weather::suninf == 1 } {
set rawpage [getinfo $location astronomy]
set doc [dom parse $rawpage]
set root [$doc documentElement]
# Check for no results!
set notfound [$root selectNodes /response/error/description/text()]
if {[llength $notfound] > 0 } {
set errormsg [$notfound nodeValue]
putlog "m00nie::weather::current ran but could not find any info for $location or an API error occured: $errormsg"
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$errormsg"
set sunsh [[$root selectNodes /response/sun_phase/sunset/hour/text()] nodeValue]
set sunsm [[$root selectNodes /response/sun_phase/sunset/minute/text()] nodeValue]
set sunrh [[$root selectNodes /response/sun_phase/sunrise/hour/text()] nodeValue]
set sunrm [[$root selectNodes /response/sun_phase/sunrise/minute/text()] nodeValue]
set sunspam "\002Sunrise\002 $sunrh:$sunrm, \002Sunset\002 $sunsh:$sunsm"
append spam { } $sunspam
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$spam"
proc forecast {forc location chan} {
putlog "m00nie::weather::forecast is running against location: $location"
set rawpage [getinfo $location forecast]
set doc [dom parse $rawpage]
set root [$doc documentElement]
set check [multiplecheck $chan $root]
if {$check > 0} { return }
set dayList [$root selectNodes /response/forecast/txt_forecast/forecastdays/forecastday/title/text()]
if { $forc == 0 } {
putlog "m00nie::weather::forecast grabbing metric forecast"
set foreList [$root selectNodes /response/forecast/txt_forecast/forecastdays/forecastday/fcttext_metric/text()]
} elseif { $forc == 1 } {
putlog "m00nie::weather::forecast grabbing imperial forecast"
set foreList [$root selectNodes /response/forecast/txt_forecast/forecastdays/forecastday/fcttext/text()]
} elseif { $forc == 2 } {
putlog "m00nie::weather::forecast grabbing both imperial and metric forecasts"
set foreList [$root selectNodes /response/forecast/txt_forecast/forecastdays/forecastday/fcttext/text()]
set metList [$root selectNodes /response/forecast/txt_forecast/forecastdays/forecastday/fcttext_metric/text()]
} else {
putlog "m00nie::weather::forecast $forc is not a valid value for forc..."
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :Three day forecast for \002$location\002"
set x 0
while { $x < 6 } { set dayname [[lindex $dayList $x] nodeValue] set fore [[lindex $foreList $x] nodeValue] if { $forc == 2 } { putlog "m00nie::weather::forecast trying to munge metric and imperial (this isnt great)" # We need to mangle the text a bit ... set met [[lindex $metList $x] nodeValue] regexp {(\-|)[0-9]{1,}C} $met metstr regexp {[0-9]{1,}F} $fore impstr regexp {(low|mid|high) [0-9]{1,}s} $fore impstr regexp {(low|mid|high) teens} $fore impstr if {[info exists impstr]} { set both "$impstr ($metstr)" } else { set both "$fore" } regsub {[0-9]{1,}F} $fore $both fore regsub {(low|mid|high) [0-9]{1,}s} $fore $both fore regsub {(low|mid|high) teens} $fore $both fore regexp {[0-9]{1,} to [0-9]{1,} mph} $fore impstr regexp {[0-9]{1,} to [0-9]{1,} km\/h} $met metstr if {[info exists impstr]} { set both "$impstr ($metstr)" } else { set both "" } regsub {[0-9]{1,} to [0-9]{1,} mph} $fore $both fore } puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$dayname:\002 $fore" incr x } } proc multiplecheck {chan root} { set multi [$root selectNodes /response/results/result] if {[llength $multi]} { putlog "m00nie::weather::multiplecheck multiple results found" # Lets check we dont have LOADS of results to spam set i 0 foreach place [$root selectNodes "/response/results/result"] { incr i if {$i >= 5} {
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :Your search returned more than 5 results. Please try a more specific search."
return 1
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :Multiple results found pick one and run again"
foreach place [$root selectNodes "/response/results/result"] {
set name [lindex [$place selectNodes "name"] 0]
set country [lindex [$place selectNodes "country"] 0]
if {[$country text] eq "US"} {
set state [lindex [$place selectNodes "state"] 0]
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan : - [$name text] [$state text] [$country text]"
} else {
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan : - [$name text] [$country text]"
return 1
proc getinfo {location type} {
regsub -all -- { } $location {%20} location
set url "$m00nie::weather::key/$type/q/$location.xml"
putlog "m00nie::weather::getinfo grabbing data from $url"
for { set i 1 } { $i <= 5 } { incr i } { set xmlpage [::http::data [::http::geturl "$url" -timeout 10000]] if {[string length xmlpage] > 0} { break }
putlog "m00nie::weather::getinfo xmlpage length is: [string length $xmlpage]"
if { [string length $xmlpage] == 0 } {
error "wunderground returned ZERO no data :( or we couldnt connect properly"
return $xmlpage
putlog "m00nie::weather $m00nie::weather::version loaded"
Enjoy :)