Twitter Eggdrop script

I've started to play around the the Twitter API a little and created a small script to grab the contents of a spammed tweet link and display it in the channel.
Requires a v1 API key etc for Oauth which you can request here:
Take a note of the API Key & API Secret when doing this as these are needed when first running the script
The script uses libraries from twitter-tcl and has some user configurable throttling checks.
After first loading the script run .oauth-request <API key> <API secret>
and follow the instructions to enroll with oauth (the following steps provide a link to obtain a PIN)
The script can be grabbed [here] and looks like the code below:
# Name m00nie::twitter
# Description Uses twitter API to automatically grab tweet details and spam in chan for
# any tweets linked to.
# Version 2.3 - Fix to make sure pkgIndex location is specified. Thanks to Crowstorm
# for finding there was an issue :)
# 2.2 - Removing way too much spam from the auto process
# 2.1 - Throttling to stop baddies being bad
# 2.0 - Redone to use (the excellent!) twitoauth package from
# The script there is great for a
# pretty much fully functional client. This (dumb) script here
# just simply spams the contents of tweets spammed in the channel.
# 1.0 - Initial release
# Website
# Notes See comments below for packages required then create your own API
# keys here:
# Once you have setup the keys above enroll with oauth by running
# ".oauth-request <API key> <API secret>" via DCC and follow the
# instructions from there to obtain a PIN.
# Also requires .chanset #chan +twitter
namespace eval m00nie {
namespace eval twitter {
# Load the two package - These can be found at the url below:
# You need all files (including the pkgIndex.tcl) to ensure these all load
# twitoauth.tcl
# twitlib.tcl
# pkgIndex.tcl
# These should all be placed in the directory next to this script typically in
# the scripts/ directory of your eggdrop folder. The auto_path variable should
# point to this directory (it tells TCL to read the pkgIndex.tcl!
lappend auto_path "scripts"
package require twitlib
package require twitoauth
# File to save oauth key. Set this to a writable location for your bot
variable state_file "scripts/m00nie-twitter.keys"
# The three variables below control throttling in seconds.
# First is per user
# Second is per channel
# Third is per tweet ID
variable user_throt 30
variable chan_throt 10
variable id_throt 300
##### Shouldnt need to change anything below here #####
# Auto tweet reader
bind pubm - * m00nie::twitter::autoinfo
# commands to register oauth
bind dcc -|- oauth-request m00nie::twitter::dcc_oauth_request
bind dcc -|- oauth-access m00nie::twitter::dcc_oauth_access
# Add channel flag +/-twitter.
setudef flag twitter
variable version "2.3"
variable throttled
# Initial oauth request to register via DCC
proc dcc_oauth_request {handle idx argv} {
set argv [split $argv]
lassign $argv ::twitlib::oauth_consumer_key ::twitlib::oauth_consumer_secret
if {[llength $argv] != 2} {
putlog "Usage: .oauth-request <API key> <API secret>"
if {[catch {::twitoauth::get_request_token $::twitlib::oauth_consumer_key $::twitlib::oauth_consumer_secret} data]} {
putlog "m00nie::twitter::dcc_oauth_request Error: $data"
set url [dict get $data auth_url]
putlog "To get your authentication verifier, visit ${url} and allow the application on your Twitter account."
putlog "Then call .oauth-access [dict get $data oauth_token] [dict get $data oauth_token_secret] <PIN from authorization URL of .oauth-request>"
# Handle retrieval of OAuth access token via DCC
# if success, we store $::twitlib::oauth_token and $::twitlib::oauth_token_secret
proc dcc_oauth_access {handle idx argv} {
set args [split $argv]
if {[llength $args] != 3} {
putlog "Usage: .oauth-access <oauth_token> <oauth_token_secret> <PIN> (get this PIN from .oauth-request)"
lassign $args oauth_token oauth_token_secret pin
if {[catch {::twitoauth::get_access_token $::twitlib::oauth_consumer_key $::twitlib::oauth_consumer_secret $oauth_token $oauth_token_secret $pin} data]} {
putlog "m00nie::twitter::dcc_oauth_access Error: $data"
# Set tokens
set ::twitlib::oauth_token [dict get $data oauth_token]
set ::twitlib::oauth_token_secret [dict get $data oauth_token_secret]
set screen_name [dict get $data screen_name]
putlog "Successfully retrieved access token for $screen_name. oauth enrollment completed :)"
# Auto spam tweets in chan
proc autoinfo {nick uhost hand chan text} {
if {[channel get $chan twitter] && [regexp -nocase -- {(?:http(?:s|).{3}|)(?:www.|)(?\/?.*status\/)([\d-]{1,100})} $text url id]} {
if {$id == ""} {
if {[throttlecheck $nick $chan $id]} { return 0 }
if {[catch {::twitlib::get_status_by_id $id} status]} {
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :Error: $status"
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :\002@[dict get $status user screen_name]\002: [dict get $status full_text]"
# Throttle based on user, chan or specific tweet
proc throttlecheck {nick chan id} {
if {[info exists m00nie::twitter::throttled($id)]} {
putlog "m00nie::twitter::throttlecheck Tweet: $id, is throttled at the moment"
return 1
} elseif {[info exists m00nie::twitter::throttled($chan)]} {
putlog "m00nie::twitter::throttlecheck Channel $chan is throttled at the moment"
return 1
} elseif {[info exists m00nie::twitter::throttled($nick)]} {
putlog "m00nie::twitter::throttlecheck User $nick is throttled at the moment"
return 1
} else {
set m00nie::twitter::throttled($nick) [utimer $m00nie::twitter::user_throt [list unset m00nie::twitter::throttled($nick)]]
set m00nie::twitter::throttled($chan) [utimer $m00nie::twitter::chan_throt [list unset m00nie::twitter::throttled($chan)]]
set m00nie::twitter::throttled($id) [utimer $m00nie::twitter::id_throt [list unset m00nie::twitter::throttled($id)]]
return 0
# Get saved ids/state
proc load_keys {} {
if {[catch {open $m00nie::twitter::state_file r} fid]} {
putlog "m00nie::twitter::load_keys no keys/file to load"
set data [read -nonewline $fid]
set states [split $data \n]
close $fid
set ::twitlib::oauth_token [lindex $states 0]
set ::twitlib::oauth_token_secret [lindex $states 1]
set ::twitlib::oauth_consumer_key [lindex $states 2]
set ::twitlib::oauth_consumer_secret [lindex $states 3]
putlog "m00nie::twitter::load_keys loaded Successfully"
# Save states to file
proc save_keys {args} {
if {[catch {open $m00nie::twitter::state_file w} fid]} {
putlog "m00nie::twitter::save_keys could not save keys. Check permissions and file location: $m00nie::twitter::state_file "
puts $fid $::twitlib::oauth_token
puts $fid $::twitlib::oauth_token_secret
puts $fid $::twitlib::oauth_consumer_key
puts $fid $::twitlib::oauth_consumer_secret
close $fid
putlog "m00nie::twitter::save_keys saved keys"
# If we have saved keys load them
putlog "m00nie::twitter $m00nie::twitter::version loaded"
Any comments/suggestions as always are more then welcome :)