Link Logging script for Eggdrop

A simple script for an eggdrop bot that will monitor a specified channel for URLs then log them with a time stamp against a username. I'm not a professional coder and I did this mainly to learn some more about TCL which I can use in EEM scripts on Cisco boxes :) I'm open to suggestions but please be gentle. I've tried as much as possible to make the code very readable and easy to debug when needed (set debug = 1).

At the moment V1.1 the main functions are:

  • Log all links in a channel against specific username
  • Spam last 3 links of a user
  • Spam a count of links of a user
  • Display  the top 3 link spammers in the channel with their associated counts
  • Ignore specific users E.g. other bots

Example of linklogger in action

Snippet of the code:

# Check file exsists
proc linkfilecheck {FILENAME} {
	global linklog
	if {$linklog(debug) == 1} {
		putlog "$linklog(debugstring) Linkfilecheck called with arg $FILENAME"
	# checking the file exists
        if [file exists $FILENAME] then {
        # file exists
		return 1
        } else {
        # file not exists
		return "0"
putlog "link logger v 1.1 by m00nie"

Grab the file [here], edit it to your needs, then just add source scripts/linklogger.tcl to your eggdrop config file and reload the bot

m00nie :)