jun2acl (Juniper to Cisco ACL Script)

Recently we've needed to migrate an inherited environment away from Juniper Junos and onto Cisco IOS. As part of this a lot (!) of old an quite nasty firewall filter config needed to be converted to Cisco ACL style. Unfortunately (maybe for a good reason???) there doesnt already seem to be any easily available tool to do this conversion and doing this by hand would have been quite a :'( job to ask anyone to do so I've made a quick and nasty script to try and do most of the heavy lifting for us.
It takes an input file as an argument (eg "perl jun2acl MyJunFW") and expects this file to contain either the whole router or Firewall section in 'set' format (show configuration | display set)
Then it should return an extended Cisco ACL for each firewall filter name found. I've done a fair bit of testing but this is provided as is and you should review any config before deploying and expecting it to work :) (I dont accept any responsibility for unexpected results or huge holes in your acl!). If you do have any feedback or suggestions though as always I'd be happy to hear them, although I should say scripting is generally not my day job (if you cant tell from the code).
Script looks like (download link below):
# jun2acl
# Very simple (?) script to (try) and convert juniper firewall
# rules into cisco extended acls
# Run with "perl jun2acl myfile" where myfile contains your config
# either whole config or just firewall section in "display set"
# format.
# Author m00nie @ https://www.m00nie.com/
# This software is provided as is an should be used at your own
# risk entirely!
# Version 1.0 - Intial release (probably missing a LOT of
# corner cases!)
# Dependencies on Fedora/Centos/Red Hat
# yum install perl-NetAddr-IP perl-Switch
use NetAddr::IP;
use Switch;
use warnings;
use strict;
# Set to 1 for debug (quite verbose!)
my $debug = 0;
# Here you can change what protocol we assign to source and
# destination services/ports
# Default is both udp and tcp if not found in one of the below
my @tcp_ports = ("http","ftp","ftp-data","telnet","ssh","80","established","21","3389","rdp");
my @udp_ports = ("snmp","53","dns","ntp","123");
my ($fc, $tc, $sc, $fv) = ("x") x 4;
my @source_addr;
my @dest_addr;
my @dest_port;
my @protocol;
my $log = 0;
my $permit;
my @source_port;
my $tcp_estab;
if ($#ARGV != 0) {
print "Usage: jun2acl.pl MYFILE\n\n";
my $filename = $ARGV[0];
open my $data, $filename or die "Could not open '$filename' $!\n";
while (my $line = <$data>) {
if ($line =~ /(^set firewall filter .*$)/) {
my @x = split (' ',$1);
my $fw = $x[3];
my $te = $x[5];
my @sd = @x[7 .. $#x];
if ($debug == 1) {
print "DEBUG - Line is @x\n";
print "DEBUG - fw is $fw, fc is $fc\n";
print "DEBUG - te is $te, tc is $tc\n";
print "DEBUG - sd is @sd\n";
if ($fw =~ $fc) {
if ($te =~ $tc) {
# Additional components for current term in current ACL
} else {
if ($debug == 1) {
# New Term in current ACL
print "DEBUG ---found new term called $te\n";
print_all($tc, $fw);
$tc = $te;
$fc = $fw;
} elsif ($fw ne $fc) {
# Seeing this ACL for the first time (must be new term too)
if ($debug == 1) {
print "DEBUG - Found new firewall called $fw\n";
print "DEBUG ---found new term called $te\n";
if ($te ne "x") {
# This is a new Firewall but not the first run
print_all($tc, $fc);
$tc = $te;
$fc = $fw;
} else {
# This should be the first Firewall and term
$tc = $te;
$fc = $fw;
close $data;
# Catch the last line!
print_all($tc, $fc);
# Print out ACLs
sub print_all {
my @sourcew;
my @destw;
my $sport;
my $proto;
my ($term, $fire) = @_;
if ($term eq "x") { return }
if (!$permit) { $permit = "permit"}
if (!@source_addr) { push (@source_addr, "any"); }
if (!@dest_addr) { push (@dest_addr, "any"); }
if (!@protocol) { push (@protocol, "ip"); }
if (!@dest_port) { push (@dest_port, " "); }
if ($debug == 1) {
print "DEBUG (print_all) - Sources: @source_addr\n";
print "DEBUG (print_all) - Source ports: @source_port\n";
print "DEBUG (print_all) - Destinations: @dest_addr\n";
print "DEBUG (print_all) - Dest Port: @dest_port\n";
print "DEBUG (print_all) - Protcol: @protocol\n";
print "DEBUG (print_all) - Tcp Established: $tcp_estab\n";
print "DEBUG (print_all) - Permit: $permit\n";
print "DEBUG (print_all) - Log: $log\n\n\n";
if ((($dest_port[0] ne " ") or (@source_port)) and $protocol[0] =~ "ip") {
switch ($dest_port[0]) {
if ($debug == 1) {
print "DEBUG (print_all) - DEST PORT IS $dest_port[0]\n\n";
print "DEBUG (print_all) - UDP: @udp_ports\n";
print "DEBUG (print_all) - TCP: @tcp_ports\n";
case [@udp_ports] { @protocol = (); push (@protocol, "udp"); }
case [@tcp_ports] { @protocol = (); push (@protocol, "tcp"); }
else { @protocol = (); push (@protocol, ("tcp", "udp")); }
foreach my $source (@source_addr) {
if ($source ne "any") {
@sourcew = get_wild($source);
if ($sourcew[1] eq "") { $sourcew[1] = $sourcew[0]; $sourcew[0] = "host"}
else { @sourcew = $source }
foreach my $dest (@dest_addr) {
if ($dest ne "any") {
@destw = get_wild($dest);
if ($destw[1] eq "") { $destw[1] = $destw[0]; $destw[0] = "host"}
} else { @destw = $dest }
if (@source_port) {
foreach my $sport (@source_port) {
foreach $proto (@protocol) {
foreach my $dport (@dest_port) {
print "ip access-list extended $fire $permit";
print " $proto @sourcew eq $sport @destw";
switch ($dport) {
case " " { print ""; }
case m/(\d+)\-(\d+)/ { print " range $dport"; }
else { print " eq $dport"; }
if ($log eq "1") {
print " log\n";
} else {
print "\n";
} else {
foreach $proto (@protocol) {
foreach my $dport (@dest_port) {
print "ip access-list extended $fire $permit $proto @sourcew @destw";
switch ($dport) {
case " " { print ""; }
case m/(\d+)\-(\d+)/ { print " range $dport"; }
else { print " eq $dport"; }
if ($log eq "1") {
print " log\n";
} else {
print "\n";
# Clean our variables
sub empty {
@source_addr = ();
@source_port = ();
@dest_addr = ();
@dest_port = ();
@protocol = ();
$log = "";
$tcp_estab = "";
$permit = "";
# Collect components
sub clean {
my @y = @_;
switch ($y[0]) {
case "source-address" { push (@source_addr, $y[1]); }
case "address" { push (@source_addr, $y[1]); }
case "log" { $log = 1; }
case "destination-address" { push (@dest_addr, $y[1]); }
case "destination-port" { push (@dest_port, $y[1]); }
case "protocol" { push (@protocol, $y[1]); }
case "accept" { $permit = "permit"; }
case "reject" { $permit = "deny" ; }
case "source-port" { push (@source_port, $y[1]); }
case "tcp-established" { push (@dest_port, "established"); }
case "port" { push (@dest_port, $y[1]); }
case "count" { $log = 1; }
case "syslog" { $log = 1; }
else { print "Couldnt parse details of @y[0 .. $#y]\n"; }
# Generate wildcard for Cisco ACL
sub get_wild {
my @sub_to_wild = @_;
my @wild = NetAddr::IP->new(@sub_to_wild)->wildcard();
return @wild;
Download the script here: [HERE]