Install GNS3 1.0 on Fedora

Recently started to play around with the new GN3 1.0 release on my Fedora 20 laptop. Just a quick guide to installing since the official notes only seem to mention apt/debian. On a side note the new 1.0 releases are starting to look awesome already :)
Install dependencies (updated for Beta 1)
sudo yum install git python3-devel python-pip python3-setuptool python3-PyQt4 python3-zmq python3-tornado python-netifaces
Grab iouyap and move to bin
wget tar xzf iouyap.tar.gz sudo mv iouyap /usr/local/bin/
No we have all the dependencies sorted we can grab the gui, server software and dynamips to get installed.
git clone git clone git clone
Now lets install
cd gns3-gui sudo python3 install cd ../gns3-server sudo python3 install cd ../dynamips make sudo make install
Start gns3 with gns3
job done :)
Then for all future updates to the alpha etc just rerun the git clone and install the new updates