Gif search script for eggdrop bot

Just another small script that uses the nice API over at giphy to return gif links based on the query from a user. Requires +giphy set on the channel but hopefully a very simple and straight forward script although as ever any comment or suggestions more then welcome :)
Script can be grabbed [here].
# Name m00nie::giphy
# Description Uses giphy API to search and return images
# Version 1.0 - Initial release
# Website
# Notes API key is open/shared!
# .chanset #blah +giphy
namespace eval m00nie {
namespace eval giphy {
package require http
package require json
bind pub - !gif m00nie::giphy::search
variable version "1.0"
setudef flag giphy
# At least for the moment this is a common key for everyone
variable key "---GET-YOUR-OWN---"
::http::config -useragent "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:48.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/48.0"
proc getinfo { url } {
for { set i 1 } { $i <= 5 } { incr i } {
set rawpage [::http::data [::http::geturl "$url" -timeout 5000]]
if {[string length rawpage] > 0} { break }
putlog "m00nie::giphy::getinfo Rawpage length is: [string length $rawpage]"
if {[string length $rawpage] == 0} { error "giphy returned ZERO no data :( or we couldnt connect properly" }
set ids [dict get [json::json2dict $rawpage] data]
putlog "m00nie::giphy::getinfo IDS are $ids"
return $ids
proc search {nick uhost hand chan text} {
if {![channel get $chan giphy] } {
putlog "m00nie::giphy::search is running"
regsub -all {\s+} $text "%20" text
set url "$text&api_key=$m00nie::giphy::key"
set ids [getinfo $url]
set output "\002\00300,01GIPHY\003\002 "
for {set i 0} {$i < 5} {incr i} {
set id [lindex $ids $i 9]
putlog "RESULT: $id"
if {([string length $id] == 0) && ($i == 0) } {
append output "No results found | "
} elseif {[string length $id] == 0} {
} else {
append output "$id | "
set output [string range $output 0 end-2]
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$output"
putlog "m00nie:::giphy $m00nie::giphy::version loaded"