Gif search script for eggdrop bot

Gif search script for eggdrop bot

Just another small script that uses the nice API over at giphy to return gif links based on the query from a user. Requires +giphy set on the channel but hopefully a very simple and straight forward script although as ever any comment or suggestions more then welcome :)

Script can be grabbed [here].


# Name          m00nie::giphy
# Description       Uses giphy API to search and return images
# Version       1.0 - Initial release
# Website
# Notes         API key is open/shared!
#               .chanset #blah +giphy
namespace eval m00nie {
   namespace eval giphy {
    package require http
    package require json
    bind pub - !gif m00nie::giphy::search
    variable version "1.0"
    setudef flag giphy  
    # At least for the moment this is a common key for everyone
    variable key "---GET-YOUR-OWN---"
    ::http::config -useragent "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:48.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/48.0"

proc getinfo { url } {
    for { set i 1 } { $i <= 5 } { incr i } {
            set rawpage [::http::data [::http::geturl "$url" -timeout 5000]]
            if {[string length rawpage] > 0} { break }
        putlog "m00nie::giphy::getinfo Rawpage length is: [string length $rawpage]"
        if {[string length $rawpage] == 0} { error "giphy returned ZERO no data :( or we couldnt connect properly" }
        set ids [dict get [json::json2dict $rawpage] data]
    putlog "m00nie::giphy::getinfo IDS are $ids"
    return $ids


proc search {nick uhost hand chan text} {
        if {![channel get $chan giphy] } {
    putlog "m00nie::giphy::search is running"
    regsub -all {\s+} $text "%20" text
    set url "$text&api_key=$m00nie::giphy::key"
    set ids [getinfo $url]
    set output "\002\00300,01GIPHY\003\002 "
    for {set i 0} {$i < 5} {incr i} {
        set id [lindex $ids $i 9]
        putlog "RESULT: $id"
        if {([string length $id] == 0) && ($i == 0) } {
            append output "No results found | "
        } elseif {[string length $id] == 0} {
        } else {            
            append output "$id | "
    set output [string range $output 0 end-2]
    puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$output"
putlog "m00nie:::giphy $m00nie::giphy::version loaded"

