Eggdrop URL title grabbing script

Another simple script similar to the youtube title grabber that will attempt to grab the title for any HTTP(s) URL spammed into the chan. Includes some basic throttling for per user/nick, channel and specific URLs that can be tweaked. Just requires the http & TLS packages and will attempt to work around SNI for older versions of the TLS package although this might be a bit ropey (I cant test it very easily on my own bots).
I might merge this script with the youtube and twitter auto info scripts in future but at the moment any domains to be ignored by this script can be added to the script and modified to your own specific setup
Hope its a useful script but any comments or suggestions as always are welcome. Grab the script HERE and example output below along with the script text.

# Name m00nie::linktitle
# Description Simple script that grabs the title of any web link spammed into the channel.
# It does try to work around various versions of http and SNI https issue
# this might not be fantastic....It also aims to be as simple as possible
# to maintain and use. As ever any comments/suggestions are welcome :)
# Version 1.6 - Some tweaks handling large white space in titles also trying to
# accomodate improvements in v1.9 release of eggdrop (again thanks to
# CrazyCat for mentioning this :D)
# 1.5 - "improving" the URL splitting (its quite horrible) but it does
# seem to work better now. Less 404 or 301 results :)
# 1.4 - Much improved html entity decoding. Thanks to CrazyCat for the
# suggesiton on a great way to do this :)
# 1.3 - Actually try to follow redirects plus better title parsing (maybe)
# 1.2 - Handle sever errors etc better so we dont spam fails
# 1.1 - Try to clean up "special" characters in titles. Also updated regexp
# to match titles over multiple lines and headers in caps
# 1.0 - Initial release.
# Website
# Notes "+chanset linktitle #yourchan" to enable in your channel
# Edit ignore lists below to ensure only desired URLs are queried
# Also edit the throttling timers for chan, user/nick and links
namespace eval m00nie {
namespace eval linktitle {
# Ignore lists! - Append/change as required
# Users to ignore e.g. Other bots
variable ignorenicks "love hate"
# Domains to ignore e.g. if other scripts grab info for these already
# subdomains like www will be required as shown below
variable ignoredomains ""
# Time in seconds to throttle users, channel and specific links - default of 30, 5 & 300
variable user_throt 30
variable chan_throt 5
variable link_throt 300
# ---- Dont change things below this line -----
package require http
# We need to verify the revision of TLS since prior to this version is missing auto host for SNI
if { [catch {package require tls 1.7.11}] } {
# We dont have an autoconfigure option for SNI
putlog "m00nie::linktitle *** WARNING *** OLD Version of TLS package installed please update to 1.7.11+ ... Will attempt to work around this in the meantime... Things might not work as expected though "
variable httpv "0"
} else {
package require tls 1.7.11
variable httpv "1"
bind pubm - * m00nie::linktitle::autoinfo
variable version "1.6"
variable throttled
setudef flag linktitle
#### Script Starts here #####
proc autoinfo {nick uhost hand chan text} {
# Check chan is enabled
if {[channel get $chan linktitle]} {
# Check if we should ignore the nick
if {[regexp -nocase $nick $m00nie::linktitle::ignorenicks]} {
putlog "m00nie::linktitle::log $nick is being ignored, string of ignored users is $m00nie::linktitle::ignorenicks"
# Break text into words (made the regex easier! ;D)
set wordlist [regexp -inline -all -- {\S+} $text]
foreach word $wordlist {
# Check if it looks like a URL and bin if not
if { !([regexp -nocase {http.*} $word]) } { continue }
# Total hack to make the following regex simplier (again) but push on / if we dont have one then remove it (classy ;D)
# Break the URL into three parts delimited by /
# This will b0rk on "abnormal" urls I think like user:pass@ or :port
if { !([regexp -nocase {\/$} $word]) } {
set word ${word}/
regexp -nocase -- {(?:http(?:s|).{3}|)(.*?)(\/.*)} $word url host path
regsub {\/$} $url {} url
} else {
regexp -nocase -- {(?:http(?:s|).{3}|)(.*?)(\/.*)} $word url host path
# Should only continue for valid URLs but check if we have any hosts
if {[info exists host]} {
putlog "m00nie::linktitle::autoinfo found URL: $url and host: $host"
# Check if we should ignore the domains/host
if {[regexp -nocase $host $m00nie::linktitle::ignoredomains]} {
putlog "m00nie::linktitle::log $host is being ignored, string of ignored domains is $m00nie::linktitle::ignoredomains"
# Check if the nick, channel and URL is throttle
if {[throttlecheck $nick $chan $url]} { return 0 }
# Grab the page and spam it out :)
set title [gettitle $url $host]
set title [makepretty $title]
if {$title != 0} {
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$host: \002$title\002"
unset host
proc makepretty {title} {
# Attempts to decode html entoty stuff that may appear so its human friendly
putlog "m00nie::linktitle::makepretty is running"
set entities {
"à" "\à" "à" "\à" "á" "\á" "â" "\â"
"ã" "\ã" "ä" "\ä" "å" "\å" "æ" "\æ"
"ç" "\ç" "è" "\è" "é" "\é" "ê" "\ê"
"ë" "\ë" "ì" "\ì" "í" "\í" "î" "\î"
"ï" "\ï" "ð" "\ð" "ñ" "\ñ" "ò" "\ò"
"ó" "\ó" "ô" "\ô" "õ" "\õ" "ö" "\ö"
"÷" "\÷" "ø" "\ø" "ù" "\ù" "ú" "\ú"
"û" "\û" "ü" "\ü" "ý" "\ý" "þ" "\þ"
"ÿ" "\ÿ" "\"" "\"" "\&" "\&" "€" "\€"
"œ" "\œ" "Ÿ" "\Ÿ" "¡" "\¡"
"¢" "\¢" "£" "\£" "¤" "\¤" "¥" "\¥"
"¦" "\¦" "¦" "\&brkbar;" "§" "\§" "¨" "\¨"
"¨" "\¨" "" "\©" "ª" "\ª" "«" "\«"
"¬" "\¬" "-" "\‑" "" "\®" "¯" "\¯"
"¯" "\&hibar;" "°" "\°" "±" "\±" "²" "\²"
"³" "\³" "´" "\´" "µ" "\µ" "¶" "\¶"
"·" "\·" "¸" "\¸" "¹" "\¹" "º" "\º"
"»" "\»" "¼" "\¼" "½" "\½" "¾" "\¾"
"¿" "\¿" "À" "\À" "Á" "\Á" "Â" "\Â"
"Ã" "\Ã" "Ä" "\Ä" "Å" "\Å" "Æ" "\Æ"
"Ç" "\Ç" "È" "\È" "É" "\É" "Ê" "\Ê"
"Ë" "\Ë" "Ì" "\Ì" "Í" "\Í" "Î" "\Î"
"Ï" "\Ï" "Ð" "\Ð" "Ð" "\Đ" "Ñ" "\Ñ"
"Ò" "\Ò" "Ó" "\Ó" "Ô" "\Ô" "Õ" "\Õ"
"Ö" "\Ö" "×" "\×" "Ø" "\Ø" "Ù" "\Ù"
"Ú" "\Ú" "Û" "\Û" "Ü" "\Ü" "Ý" "\Ý"
"Þ" "\Þ" "ß" "\ß" "\\n" " " "\'" "\'"
"&" "\&" "/" "\/" "\\" "\\" "\[" "\["
"<" "\<" ">" "\>" "\]" "\]"
"\(" "\(" "\)" "\)" "£" "\£"
"¨" "\¨" "" "\©" "«" "\«" "" "\­"
"" "\®" "´" "\´" "·" "\·" "¹" "\¹"
"»" "\»" "¼" "\¼" "½" "\½" "¾" "\¾"
"À" "\À" "Á" "\Á" "Â" "\Â" "Ã" "\Ã"
"Ä" "\Ä" "Å" "\Å" "Æ" "\Æ" "Ç" "\Ç"
"È" "\È" "É" "\É" "Ê" "\Ê" "Ë" "\Ë"
"Ì" "\Ì" "Í" "\Í" "Î" "\Î" "Ï" "\Ï"
"Ð" "\Ð" "Ñ" "\Ñ" "Ò" "\Ò" "Ó" "\Ó"
"Ô" "\Ô" "Õ" "\Õ" "Ö" "\Ö" "×" "\×"
"Ø" "\Ø" "Ù" "\Ù" "Ú" "\Ú" "Û" "\Û"
"Ü" "\Ü" "Ý" "\Ý" "Þ" "\Þ" "ß" "\ß"
"à" "\à" "á" "\á" "â" "\â" "ã" "\ã"
"ä" "\ä" "å" "\å" "æ" "\æ" "ç" "\ç"
"è" "\è" "é" "\é" "ê" "\ê" "ë" "\ë"
"ì" "\ì" "í" "\í" "î" "\î" "ï" "\ï"
"ð" "\ð" "ñ" "\ñ" "ò" "\ò" "ó" "\ó"
"ô" "\ô" "õ" "\õ" "ö" "\ö" "÷" "\÷"
"ø" "\ø" "ù" "\ù" "ú" "\ú" "û" "\û"
"ü" "\ü" "ý" "\ý" "þ" "\þ" "–" "\–"
"‘" "\‘" "’" "\’" "ő" "\ő"
return [::tcl::string::map [lreverse $entities] $title]
proc gettitle {url host} {
putlog "m00nie::linktitle::gettitle is running"
# Set server name and try to accomodate 'old' package
if { $m00nie::linktitle::httpv eq 0 } {
putlog "m00nie::linktitle::gettitle using old http package"
::http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket -servername $host]
} else {
putlog "m00nie::linktitle::gettitle using modern http package"
::http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket -autoservername true]
# Grab the page
for { set i 1 } { $i <= 5 } { incr i } {
set token [::http::geturl "$url" -timeout 5000]
set x 1
# Try to catch and follow 301/302s (safely!)
while {[::http::ncode $token] in {301 302}} {
putlog "m00nie::linktitle::gettitle caught a [::http::ncode $token] attempting to follow..."
# Grab the URL from the redirect (there must be a nicer way)
set meta [::http::meta $token]
set key [lsearch -exact -nocase -inline [dict keys $meta] location]
set url [dict get $meta $key]
::http::cleanup $token
putlog "m00nie::linktitle::gettitle following redirect to: $url"
# Some servers may not return a full URL so catch that...Again this is some hacky shiz just now
if {!([regexp -nocase {^http} $url])} {
set url "https://${host}${url}"
set token [::http::geturl $url -timeout 5000]
# Lets try and not fall down a black hole
incr x
if { $x >= 5 } {
putlog "m00nie::linktitle::gettitle redirected five times so giving up!"
return 0
# We got another kind of message (not a redirect or a 200) so lets give up
if {[::http::ncode $token] ne "200"} {
putlog "m00nie::linktitle::gettitle $host returned status message of [::http::ncode $token]."
return 0
set rawpage [::http::data $token]
if {[string length rawpage] > 0} { break }
putlog "m00nie::linktitle::gettitle Rawpage length is: [string length $rawpage]"
if {[string length $rawpage] == 0} { error "$host returned ZERO no data :( or we couldnt connect properly" }
# Parse for title
set title [regexp -nocase -inline -all -- {(?x)\<title.*?\>.*?\<\/title\>} $rawpage]
if {[string length $title] > 0} {
regexp -nocase {(?x)(\<title.*?\>)(.*?)(\<\/.*?\>)} $title junk head title foot
set title [string trim $title]
# For eggdrop v1.9+ we shouldnt need to do this
if {$::numversion < "1090000"} {
set title [encoding convertfrom utf-8 $title]
return $title
} else {
putlog "Couldnt get the title for $url :("
return 0
proc throttlecheck {nick chan url} {
if {[info exists m00nie::linktitle::throttled($url)]} {
putlog "m00nie::linktitle::throttlecheck url $url, is throttled at the moment"
return 1
} elseif {[info exists m00nie::linktitle::throttled($chan)]} {
putlog "m00nie::linktitle::throttlecheck Channel $chan is throttled at the moment"
return 1
} elseif {[info exists m00nie::linktitle::throttled($nick)]} {
putlog "m00nie::linktitle::throttlecheck User $nick is throttled at the moment"
return 1
} else {
set m00nie::linktitle::throttled($nick) [utimer $m00nie::linktitle::user_throt [list unset m00nie::linktitle::throttled($nick)]]
set m00nie::linktitle::throttled($chan) [utimer $m00nie::linktitle::chan_throt [list unset m00nie::linktitle::throttled($chan)]]
set m00nie::linktitle::throttled($url) [utimer $m00nie::linktitle::link_throt [list unset m00nie::linktitle::throttled($url)]]
return 0
putlog "m00nie::linktitle $m00nie::linktitle::version loaded"